Performativity and gender roles in university students. Reconfiguration, change or simulation?




gender studies, educational spaces, gender asymmetry, teaching, university, learning, sex-gender system, stereotypes, students


The main question analyzed the possible relationship between university education and the recognition of gender asymmetries between women and men. The research was carried out with a sample of 227 young university students between the ages of 18-30 at a Mexican public university in the center of the country; a questionnaire with fifteen questions and seven variables was sent; Subsequently, the most important variables were analyzed: use of university spaces for discussion of gender stereotypes, sexist language, gender stereotypes, division of domestic tasks, participation in gender and masculinity groups, reflection and personal evaluation over time and employment status. . The Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) software was used. The results showed that the most important variables to explain the recognition of the sex-gender system among university students were university spaces, sexist language, the division of domestic tasks and the condition labor in relation to equal opportunities. Other important variables, but not determinants, were participation in gender groups and reflection and personal evaluation over time. The access and use of the media, was not considered relevant according to the key actors; other important variables, but not determinants, were participation in gender groups and reflection and personal evaluation over time.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Elizabeth Urbiola Solís, Autonomous University of Queretaro

Faculty of Accounting and Administration. Queretaro, Mexico

Ilia Violeta Cázares Garrido , Autonomous University of Queretaro

Faculty of Accounting and Administration. Queretaro, Mexico

Ángel Wilhelm Vázquez García , Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco Campus

Department of Economic Production, Mexico City


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How to Cite

Urbiola Solís, A. E., Cázares Garrido , I. V. ., & Vázquez García , Ángel W. . (2023). Performativity and gender roles in university students. Reconfiguration, change or simulation?. Nova Scientia, 15(31), 1–13.



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