Emotions and coping strategies when university students pass their exams





emotions, coping strategies, college students, pass, fail, higher education, school success, psychology, mental health, education, students, school grades, academic performance, school trajectory, Scale of Emotions


Introduction: When young people enter to the university, they want to achieve some of the following objectives: pass the subjects, have good grades, graduate, etc. To complete each of them they experiment some emotions, such as: felicity, joy, satisfaction, happiness, among others. These people could have a great influence on their academic performance, and with this contribute to have a constant and regular school trajectory. Contrary to their classmates who don´t obtain their goals who they propose when start to the superior education, who experiment emotions such as: anger, shame, boredom and hopeless. The objectives of this investigation were to compare and to examine the correlations between emotions and coping strategies to consider the differences in the groups: men, women, with failing subjects and approved subjects when they pass an exam that they consider harder.

Method: Were used The Scale of Emotions when pass and the Scale of Coping Strategies when fail. The participants were 1,057 college students; 49.3% without failed grades and 50.7% with failed grades.

Results: The women reported a positive intensity in the emotions of commitment, negatives, narcissist and relaxing; in the coping strategies they had reported the higher means in pride and perfection. However, the men had the means in the factors of contradictories and recompense. The highest correlation in both groups were between the emotions of commitment and strategies of perfection but were higher in those without failing grades; another correlation for this group were between the strategies of perfection and the positive and relaxing emotions. And for the second group, between strategies of perfection and narcissist emotions.

Discussion: To present an exam is considering a harder stressful situation for the college students, one time that they obtained the evaluations and knows that they passed, positives and commitment emotions are the first in manifest to the reached goal. However, also present negatives emotions such as sadness, indifference, conformism, and others. The contradictory in an event where is the result of the effort. Maybe look more congruent when fell narcissists emotions like, pleasure and pride when pass an exam; although is necessary that the students transcend this phase because, they can take the risk of stop the effort that they have been done.


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Author Biographies

Verónica Reyes Pérez, Universidad de Guanajuato

Departamento de Psicología. Profesora de tiempo completo. SNI I

Daniela Beatriz Muñoz Lopéz, Universidad de Guanajuato

Departamento de Medicina y Nutrición. Profesora de tiempo completo

Raúl José Alcázar-Olán, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

División de Ciencias de la Salud. Profesor de tiempo completo. SNI I


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How to Cite

Reyes Pérez, V., Muñoz Lopéz, D. B., & Alcázar-Olán, R. J. (2020). Emotions and coping strategies when university students pass their exams. Nova Scientia, 12(25). https://doi.org/10.21640/ns.v12i25.2344



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