Effect of endomycorrhiza (Glomus intrarradices) and organic matter on the growth of cactus pear (Opuntia albicarpa) in two soil types





endomycorrhizae fungi, xerosol, lithosol, vermicompost, mineral nutrition, pests, inoculation, stems, roots, nutrients, plants, cactus pear, xerophyte, Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, cladodes, fertilization, fertilizer, denitrification, salinity, leaching, mycorrhiza, hypoglycemic, biofertilizer, arbuscular mycorrhiza, cactus, water stress


Most of the farmers who grow cactus pear (Opuntia albicarpa) use manure as a fertilizer. This practice increases the problems of pests. The use of endomycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices) is almost unknown to farmers. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the effect of the application with organic matter (OM) and inoculation with endomycorrhiza in cactus pear.

The study was conducted under greenhouse conditions at the Montecillo Campus of the Postgraduate College, Mexico. Two types of soil from San Luis Potosí, Mexico were used, one of reddish coloration (xerosol) and another gray (lithosol).

The results show that there were significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in all the variables by the inoculation with endomycorrhiza, and in the majority of those by the application of OM. Both the mycorrhiza and the application of OM, as vermicompost, promoted a greater growth of the stem and the root. The types of soils used did not affect the growth of the plants.

The mycorrhiza can be useful to improve mineral nutrition, and thus increase yields in the cactus pear plantations. In addition, these fungi can increase yields, and help reduce production costs. The application of 50 t ha-1 of vermicompost is a better alternative to add nutrients and OM to this crop.


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How to Cite

Gardezi , A. K. ., Márquez Berber, S. R., Flores Magdaleno, H., Flores-Gallardo, H., Santoyo de la Cruz, M. F., López Buenfil, J. A., … Haro Aguilar, G. . (2022). Effect of endomycorrhiza (Glomus intrarradices) and organic matter on the growth of cactus pear (Opuntia albicarpa) in two soil types. Nova Scientia, 14(29). https://doi.org/10.21640/ns.v14i29.3049



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