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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Exclusivity: the papers submitted must be unpublished and their authors agree not to simultaneously submit them for the consideration of other journals. Any conflicts of a legal, moral, or ethical character etc., that derives from the analysis of this aspect shall be the sole responsibility of the authors.

  2. Originality of the papers: they must be the result or the progress of original and high level researches within the scientific disciplines. Before sending the paper to the evaluators, it will be subjected to a Plagiarism Detection Software; if something is found in this regard the paper will be immediately rejected.

  3. Ethics: it will be the responsibility of the authors that both, during the research process and for the submission of their work to Nova Scientia, the ethical codes of their institutions are complied with, as well as the legal and ethical norms universally accepted for the work with other people, animals and the environment.

    Nova Scientia subscribes to the Declaration on international ethical standards for authors and editors adopted in the Second World conference on the integrity of research carried out in Singapore in 2010 by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). When submitting the article, the author is expressing their consent and agreement with the ethical guidelines indicated on the documents of the conference.

    Nova Scientia reserves the right to take any measures that it considers necessary when detecting any inappropriate conduct in the work of authors and arbitrators.

    The author of the correspondence is responsible for making sure that all authors have contributed significantly in the paper and have accepted the contents and forms of the article, and must provide the e-mail and ORCID identifier of all the participants.

    The authors transfer the rights of the contents of the article for its publication and diffusion according to the policies, norms and agreements of the journal and of the indexation instances.

Nova Scientia does not charge any fee for submitting a paper for review; but APC of $200 USD apply to accepted papers to cover the costs of XML marking for SciELO Citation Index de Web of Science, Crossref fee and DOI payment.

1. Nova Scientia publishes papers preferably in English and in the main languages of the region (Spanish, Portuguese and French).

2. The title, summary, keywords (at least 9), heads and footers of tables, figures and graphics of the required papers must be in two of the referred languages, one of which shall be English.

Keywords are a tool to help indexers and search engines find relevant articles. If database search engines can find your manuscript, readers will be able to find it too. This will increase the number of people reading your manuscript and will likely lead to more citations. However, to be effective, Keywords must be chosen carefully. They must:
Represent the content of your manuscript
Be specific to your field or subfield of scientific activity

3. The papers must be submitted in the attached format file.

Obtain Format File

Attach an electronic file (Word) and the tables from Excel for Windows or in Word using the tab key. In unique cases, if the authors work on other processors different to Word, they must submit the article in PDF format before their ruling and after they have been approved, as the case may be.

Illustrations, tables, maps and graphs must be presented in clear and precise originals and must include the source; similarly, they must be placed in the appropriate places in the text, instead of attaching them at the end of the document. The titles and footnotes must be presented in english and spanish.

The notes will be presented in footnotes and must be written with single spaces, must be numbered consecutively, and must be included at the foot of the corresponding page.

Citations must be inserted in the text by opening a parenthesis with the last name of the author, the year of publication and the page number, example: (Villegas 1989, 63). If the reference has DOI, the link must be added.

You must propose some Graphical Abstract to include it in a positioning and dissemination strategy of the published paper.


Conditions for the freedom of publication: the journal, due to its scientific nature, must not have political or institutional undertones to groups that are foreign to the original objective of the same, or its mission, so that there is no censorship derived from the rigorous ruling process.

Due to this, the contents of the articles will be the responsibility of the authors, and once published, the considerations made to the same will be sent to the authors so that they resolve any possible controversies regarding their work.

The complete or partial reproduction of the work is authorized as long as the source is cited.

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