Public spaces and community establishment




public spaces, residents, public-private paternship, public realm, social capital, social interactions, social identity, sense of community, appropriation of space, citizenship construction, individualism, social practices


Traditionally public spaces have been conceived as part of public realm which have common uses due to its ease of access, ease social interactions strengthen sense of community belonging and social identity encourage. However, the evolving communication, plenty of information, plus to unceasingly contemporary lifestyle changes, require brand-new ownership forms as well as residents interactions, and therefore to rise new and diverse strands in that matter. In regard to the new ownership forms, which are the impacts on community establishment? Which are the implications over the townspeople conformation? Are there any repercussions over the publicprivate paternship? The purpose of this research is to answer these concerns through different theories about the topic raised, by setting out a group of spatial categories formulated ad hoc.


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How to Cite

De la Torre Vázquez, M. I. (2015). Public spaces and community establishment. Nova Scientia, 7(14), 495–510.



Human and Social Sciences


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