From territory of subject to the emplacement of the Common


  • Mariano Adrian Ferretti Universidad De La Salle Bajío



territorializing, territory, public and private relationship, subject-common


The construction of public encompasses a variety of dynamics that influence physical performance spaces where individuals act on their needs of living, changing reality from differentiation and singularization opinion of the environment that lead to new forms of territoriality of the public from the dialectic between public and private. However, the results of such representations understood as collective action -and therefore common- and not always explain the values the symbolic starting from the subject constitute a different status of the public in the processes of territorialization. An approach that addresses issues such theoretically is proposed as: links the individual with the processes of material accumulation and transformation of the territory and the implications of these phenomena have on the possibility of establishing a subject transcending the individual is able to form a new status of the subject or in other words, a site Common.


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Author Biography

Mariano Adrian Ferretti, Universidad De La Salle Bajío

Profesor de la Licenciatura en Arquitectura (UDLSB)

Profesor de la Maestría en Diseño Arquitectónico (UDLSB)

Doctorando del Programa Interinstirucional de Doctorado en Arquitectura - PIDA (Universidad de Guanajuato)


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How to Cite

Ferretti, M. A. (2016). From territory of subject to the emplacement of the Common. Nova Scientia, 8(16), 402–420.



Human and Social Sciences


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