Intangible attributes in white calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica (L) K. Spreng): psychological meanings and structure of human values in consumers




multidimensional scaling analysis, multivariate factor analysis, affective aspects, flower, Orizaba, symbolism, subjectivity, attributes, consumption, values, tangible, intangibles, meanings


Products have tangible and intangible attributes that influence consumption decisions. In a consumer survey they chose the 13 most important human values ​​and the 13 least important, from a list of 40; they rated the importance of six tangible attributes of the calla lily and expressed the frequency of consumption of the flower. Multidimensional scaling analysis was used to identify structure of human values ​​in consumers. Tangible values ​​and attributes were reduced by factor analysis. Three correlation coefficients were obtained: a) tangible attributes and consumption; b) human and residual values ​​of tangible attributes, and consumption, and c) human values ​​and consumption. Consumers were shown an image of a calla lily and asked to mention three words that came to mind. Proportions k test and Marascuilo procedure were applied to related word categories. Influence of human values ​​occurred mainly via the direct route, evidencing the existence of intangible attributes, in addition to the tangible ones, that influence consumption decisions. The calla lily has a greater number of symbolic psychological meanings (81.3 %), than utilitarian (18.7 %). The symbolic psychological function includes sensory, emotional, and affective aspects. Results may vary within other cultural/regional contexts and with other research tools.


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Author Biographies

Ana Karen Cuéllar Mandujano, Chapingo Autonomous University

Department of Agroindustrial Engineering. Texcoco, Mexico

Arturo Hernandez Montes, Chapingo Autonomous University

Department of Agroindustrial Engineering. Texcoco, Mexico

Juan Guillermo Cruz Castillo, Chapingo Autonomous University

Regional University Center of the East. Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico


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How to Cite

Cuéllar Mandujano, A. K., Hernandez Montes, A., & Cruz Castillo, J. G. (2022). Intangible attributes in white calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica (L) K. Spreng): psychological meanings and structure of human values in consumers. Nova Scientia, 14(29).



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